How we generated leads for Ultragenius through Personal branding.


Increase in brand awareness.


Increase in impressions on the content


Organic New followers in 2 months

What is Fandora

Fandora is a Web3 Platform, endeavors to empower any talent to become an investible asset class – and thus access resources, funding, and community support for better content monetization as well as overall impact – bringing about active engagement between Creators and their Fans.


Curated an eye catching logo with maintaining the flavor of Web 3

Designed attractive cover pictures for Founder and Brand’s Profile.

Implicated the complex rough design into an smooth landing page after understanding the user journey.

Customer Request


  • To design eye-catching and captivating content
  • To create a subtle logo influencing Web 3 geeks
  • To engage with audience and attract new customers 
  • To design an minimalistic and appealing Landing page for brand